Online Security PolicyIndividualized passwordWhen you sign up for the Mega Bank’s Online Banking System, we ask you to create your own username and password to access your accounts. This information is encrypted during transmission. We strongly recommend that you do not use your Social Security number as a username or password. Please use a personal username not easily known to other people close to you. To create a new username, sign on to Mega Bank Online Banking. Timed log-offMega Bank's system will automatically log you off from Online Banking after 10 minutes (?) of inactivity. This reduces the risk of others accessing your information from your unattended computer. You should also accustomed to log off after you finishing your online banking service or when you leave your computer. FirewallMega Bank's computer systems are protected 24 hours a day by a powerful firewall that blocks unauthorized entry. In order to gain access to authorized information, the Web browser you are using must know the proper protocol, or language, and even then only select information is available. EncryptionFrom the moment account information leaves your computer to the time it enters Mega Bank's system, all online access and Bill Pay sessions are encrypted. Mega Bank uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt your personal information such as User IDs, passwords and account information over the Internet. Any information we provide you is encrypted by us for decoding by your browser. Look for a "closed lock" icon in the address bar of your browser to determine if encryption is being used on any Web page you are viewing. Any Web address beginning with "https://..." indicates the page you are viewing uses encryption. The "s" stands for "secured." Constant surveillanceMega Bank's security team maintains and monitors our security systems to make sure that your accounts are safe and secure. Technology updatesTo resist constantly evolving online threats, Mega Bank has adopted proven industry standards for technology to protect your account security. |